Chives- Available –Allium schoenoprasum. Easy to grow and use, chives lend a mild onion flavor to any dish. Goes dormant in the winter, but always comes back. Edible flowers. $5
Cilantro - Available - $5
I’itoi Onion - Available - A special onion from the desert southwest and a traditional food for the O’odham peoples. During the winter, you can eat the plentiful greens (similar in flavor to chives or green onions). In the summer, the tops die back and you can dig the onions - like very small and flavorful shallots. This is a dividing onion, so save some each year to renew your supply. $5
Galangal - Available.- Alpina galangal (Greater Galangal) OR Alpina Officinarium (Lesser Galangal). Both are perennial members of the Ginger family, and classic Thai culinary herbs. The roots and stalks can be used in soups and stir-fries, lending a unique flavor. Once the stand is established, you can harvest parts of the plant by cutting it away with a sharp knife. Perennial to 3' tall with fragrant white flowers marked with pink. The main difference between the two varieties is that the Lesser Galangal is more spicy in flavor, and the leaves are more aromatic. Protect from frost. $12
Marjoram- Out of Stock – Origanum majorana. Another oft overlooked seasoning, somewhat milder and sweeter than its cousin Oregano. Remember to harvest the plant, flowers and all, to hang to dry in your kitchen for winter soups. Perennial, full sun. $5
Mint, Peppermint- Out of Stock–Mentha piperita. Wonderful spicy mint for teas and confections. There is not much difference between the regular peppermint and the Chocolate peppermint, but we maintain both cultivars and may substitute one for the other. Best to grow this in a pot as it does tend to run about. Mint prefers a wide shallow pot over a narrow deep one. Every couple of years renew your mint by turning the whole plant out of the pot, trimming back all of the aerial parts, cutting it into 4 pieces with a knife or garden clippers and replanting each of the pieces. Give one to a friend or neighbor. $5
Mint, Spearmint - Out of Stock – Mentha spicata. When you see a recipe that calls for “mint,” this is the plant that is referred to. Perfect for all things minty – teas, mixed drinks, salads, and so forth. As with peppermint, best to grow this one in a large pot. Cut it all the way down to soil level from time to time and it will renew. Additionally, it is necessary to refresh the plant every year by turning it out of the pot and dividing the plant into several pieces, shaking off the old soil and repotting it into fresh potting mix. Full sun to part shade and regular water. $5
Mint, Chinese - Out of Stock– Mentha haplocalyx. “bo-he” The official mint used in Chinese medicine. Distinct from spearmint, the Chinese mint has a mellow flavor and makes an excellent tea. $5
Mint, Orange - Out o fStock - A cultivar perhaps of peppermint, this has a strong bitter orange flavor, similar to bergamot. Large plant with purple flowers. $5
Oregano, Dittany of Crete. - Out of Stock –Origanum dictamnus. Endemic to the Island of Crete, this is a very showy oregano with round, silvery leaves and little pink flowers with showy bracts. Does well in rock gardens with full sun and dry soils. Or you can show it off in a nice pot where it will hang over the edges. Culinary, medicinal and ornamental. $8
Oregano, Greek - Out of Stock -. Origanum heracleoticum. One of the herb garden essentials, oregano is spicy and aromatic. Great for pastas and marinades, it also has disinfectant and antifungal properties. Perennial, full sun $5
Oregano, Zaatar - Out of Stock -. Origanum syriacum. A fine culinary oregano from the middle east, this is one of the traditional ingredients in the spice blend, Zaatar. Upright habit, silver leaves, and spicy flavor. Perennial, full sun. $5
Parsley- Out of Stock –Petroselinum crispum. A traditional garnish for nearly everything. Parsley is an easy to grow biennial. This means that it will go to seed in its second year. When it does, you can pull it out and replant or let the seeds ripen and fall to the ground. Little birds will thank you, and you will have a beautiful parsley patch. Full sun. $5
Sage, culinary- Out of Stock –Salvia officinalis This is the official species of sage for cooking with. Add to soups, pasta, marinades, and meat for a distinctive flavor. Also you can make herbal butters with the flowers in spring. Full sun, Perennial (though it does tend to be short-lived – expect 2-3 years for a sage plant). $5
Savory, winter- Available–Satureja montana. Another often forgotten herb, Savory defines itself. Add sprigs of Savory to soups and broths for a wonderful rich flavor. Used fresh it is quite spicy and makes an excellent marinade. One of the Herbs de Provence. Perennial, full sun. $5
Thyme, Summer - Out of Stock-Thymus vulgaris. This is a fine leaf variety similar to a French thyme. Aromatic and spicy, thyme also makes a medicinal tea for the common cold. When harvesting, never cut deeply into the plant, just trim gently. Use fresh or tie in little bundles and hang to dry in your kitchen for later. Remember to eat the flowers. Perennial, full sun. $5